Several drawings from local children were on display, along with informative brochures. Seasoned advocates were available to discuss wild horse & burro issues with the public.
It was a chilly day, but our hearts were warmed by the show of caring people, and the many honks for the horses from the stream of traffic on Carson St./395.
Even dogs carried signs pleading the case for the wild ones!
The tragedies occuring during the Calico Mountains Wild Horse roundups, mounting deaths and injuries, prompted us to rally to end the roundups and seek protection for the remaining herds on our public lands in the West, and elsewhere in the USA. This is a slide show of images I captured on that day. I made about twenty five of the signs. Death is not an option, neither are broken horses.
February 2011, is the one year anniversary of this rally, and marks one of the months of the Calico roundups also. Please see Elyse Gardner's blog for more history. Elyse Gardner/The Humane Observer. Also check Terri Farley's blog, & The Cloud
There will be a huge rally for the wild horses and burros in Phoenix, Arizona, on March 11th, 2011, in front of the BLM's RAC meeting which is to be held on the 10th & 11th. Please try to make it. Share this news with all your friends! This may be our last stand to show that we want to save our wild ones from extinction!
Bureau of Land Management, Resource Advisory Committee ~ meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.