This image was captured at the recent contraversial roundup, at the Twin Peaks herd management area that encompasses approximately 750,000 acres sprawling over California and some of Nevada. Horses were chased by a helicopter into this trap. wranglers are seen here, running up to slam the gate on the newly captured mustangs. Near the end, a judas horse is released and the mustangs follow the Judas horse into the trap corral. Thousands of horses have been rounded up this year already!
This is a terrible, ignorant inhumanity and a sure road to the extinction of the wild horse and burros in America. Protests ad concerns, are world wide now!
Please call and write your senators and congressmen. Ask for a moratorium on all roundups, until the NAS can perform their scientific studies! Write to Obama! Hold a protest n your town. Let your voice be heard for the American wild herds. This includes the wild burros, that are also being removed from our public lands.
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