Videos - Did the Descendant of Secretariat Almost End Up on Someone's Dinner Plate? INSIDE EDITION Investigates - InsideEdition.comRihard Kudo Cuoto of ARM, Animal Recovery Mission, reporting for "Inside Edition", regarding the dirty secret of the industry of horse racing. Many thoroughbreds are going to slaughter, after they can race no more! He rescued a horse that turned out to be a direct descendant of the greatest racehorse of all time, "Secretariat"
Kudo is amazing, and clearly an earth angel for equines! He flew into Nevada several times, to document and help in combined efforts with Respect 4 Horses, Simone Netherlands, to save the Walker Lake herd. Carla Bowers, volunteer with Respect 4 Horses, along with Kudo, presented a proposal to the BLM in late October, during a meeting at the BLm field office in Carson City, Nevada. The final outcome was decided by BLM and the military, that the wild horses can stay, all 104 of them! They are currently on the Army Depot, military land by Walker Lake, Nevada. Kudo is from the Miami area. We can never thank him enough for his work in Nevada in keeping our mustangs on the range at Walker Lake, free from roundups and possible long term holding, and in Florida for the horses that would have been slaughtered!
Blessings and respectful honors to you Kudo!!! Be safe! YOU ROCK!!!!