Simone Netherlands of Respect 4 Horses, has written a great explanation about the horse slaughter industry, and the true agendas! I hope this link will work!!
Pro-Slaughter groups always express that its good for horses. NOT!!! Its all about the money, once again! No idea why I cannot post links on my blog! Its worth typing it in the information to read the story!.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Christmas Lights @ the Governor's Mansion
I took this photo last year, at the Governors Mansion, in Carson CIty, Nevada. I think I picked the wrong one from photo files. There is one that is much better than this. Oh well. At least I will not have the electric bill that comes with this happy scene!
Do have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Simone Netherlands, Craig Downer and Cat Kindsfather, playing with our shadows on an old mine wall, out in the Pine Nut Mountain Range. We had been trying to observe the Buckskins roundup of wild horses. Think we got the run around. Pretty sure two days of observation were not had. BLM postponed on Friday, when many went out in the early and cold hours to observe the roundup. They stated they would not gather on Saturday or Sunday due to storm conditions. They did however, do just that.
We went on Saturday afternoon, to see the 22 horses they gathered earlier in the day. Afterward, we ventured out on some dirt roads in the vast desert wilderness, and found this old mine, which Simone wanted to photograph. We wound up playing with our shadows!
We went on Saturday afternoon, to see the 22 horses they gathered earlier in the day. Afterward, we ventured out on some dirt roads in the vast desert wilderness, and found this old mine, which Simone wanted to photograph. We wound up playing with our shadows!

This photo image is from the trap site @ Buckskins/ Pine Nut herds that are off the HMA. The first day we went to observe, but it was called off by the pilot contractor/Sun-Jay, due to windy conditions. They went ahead the following morning in the midst of a snow storm, and also on the third day, without advocate observation I am sure, as they had reported they would be inactive for the entire weekend!
We were very concerned about the set up at this trap site, as there were many large rocks and also a steep incline running down into a gully and then up again into the trap. It appears to have some barbwire there also. They claimed there were no injuries, but we were not allowed to get close to see them in the temporary holding, nor were we allowed any sight of the foals whatsoever!They were located on the other side of the corrals.
I really believe they wanted to do this roundup wth no observers, and it appears they got their way! Tricked again.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Videos - Did the Descendant of Secretariat Almost End Up on Someone's Dinner Plate? INSIDE EDITION Investigates -
Videos - Did the Descendant of Secretariat Almost End Up on Someone's Dinner Plate? INSIDE EDITION Investigates -
Rihard Kudo Cuoto of ARM, Animal Recovery Mission, reporting for "Inside Edition", regarding the dirty secret of the industry of horse racing. Many thoroughbreds are going to slaughter, after they can race no more! He rescued a horse that turned out to be a direct descendant of the greatest racehorse of all time, "Secretariat"
Kudo is amazing, and clearly an earth angel for equines! He flew into Nevada several times, to document and help in combined efforts with Respect 4 Horses, Simone Netherlands, to save the Walker Lake herd. Carla Bowers, volunteer with Respect 4 Horses, along with Kudo, presented a proposal to the BLM in late October, during a meeting at the BLm field office in Carson City, Nevada. The final outcome was decided by BLM and the military, that the wild horses can stay, all 104 of them! They are currently on the Army Depot, military land by Walker Lake, Nevada. Kudo is from the Miami area. We can never thank him enough for his work in Nevada in keeping our mustangs on the range at Walker Lake, free from roundups and possible long term holding, and in Florida for the horses that would have been slaughtered!
Blessings and respectful honors to you Kudo!!! Be safe! YOU ROCK!!!!
Rihard Kudo Cuoto of ARM, Animal Recovery Mission, reporting for "Inside Edition", regarding the dirty secret of the industry of horse racing. Many thoroughbreds are going to slaughter, after they can race no more! He rescued a horse that turned out to be a direct descendant of the greatest racehorse of all time, "Secretariat"
Kudo is amazing, and clearly an earth angel for equines! He flew into Nevada several times, to document and help in combined efforts with Respect 4 Horses, Simone Netherlands, to save the Walker Lake herd. Carla Bowers, volunteer with Respect 4 Horses, along with Kudo, presented a proposal to the BLM in late October, during a meeting at the BLm field office in Carson City, Nevada. The final outcome was decided by BLM and the military, that the wild horses can stay, all 104 of them! They are currently on the Army Depot, military land by Walker Lake, Nevada. Kudo is from the Miami area. We can never thank him enough for his work in Nevada in keeping our mustangs on the range at Walker Lake, free from roundups and possible long term holding, and in Florida for the horses that would have been slaughtered!
Blessings and respectful honors to you Kudo!!! Be safe! YOU ROCK!!!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wild Angels, 2 & 4 legged
Portrait of KUDO, reflecting over images of Walker Lake Mustangs. November 2nd, the news was announced!
WALKER LAKE MUSTANGS WILL STAY HOME!! BLM has called off the roundup and will work with advocates and the military, on proposed agenda to keep them safe, wild and free.

Kudo invested a lot of time in a campaign to save the Walker Lake Herds. Success! These mustangs will be staying home near Walker Lake,on the Army Depot, military land. Huge thanks and congrats to Kudo, Simone Netherlands, Carla Bowers and all the advocates that contributed to this effort. WOO HOO!!!!!!
WALKER LAKE MUSTANGS WILL STAY HOME!! BLM has called off the roundup and will work with advocates and the military, on proposed agenda to keep them safe, wild and free.

Kudo invested a lot of time in a campaign to save the Walker Lake Herds. Success! These mustangs will be staying home near Walker Lake,on the Army Depot, military land. Huge thanks and congrats to Kudo, Simone Netherlands, Carla Bowers and all the advocates that contributed to this effort. WOO HOO!!!!!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
LOVE... Wild & Pure
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Los Lucuma - Mistica Nuclear
All the art in this production, is created by my friend from Argentina! The music, is also done by his band, "LUCUMA" in which he is the awesome drummer! He just shared this creation to me on facebook. I have been waiting for months for their new album. I think its here!
I am amazed at the wonderful friends I have made on, which is where I met Javier Foppiano, my treasured friend JAV!
ENJOY!!! A side trip from horses....... MUSIC and ART.... jajaja, what else is there?
( jajaja is like ha ha ha )
Saturday, October 9, 2010
"Slamming the Gate on Wild Horses"
This image was captured at the recent contraversial roundup, at the Twin Peaks herd management area that encompasses approximately 750,000 acres sprawling over California and some of Nevada. Horses were chased by a helicopter into this trap. wranglers are seen here, running up to slam the gate on the newly captured mustangs. Near the end, a judas horse is released and the mustangs follow the Judas horse into the trap corral. Thousands of horses have been rounded up this year already!
This is a terrible, ignorant inhumanity and a sure road to the extinction of the wild horse and burros in America. Protests ad concerns, are world wide now!
Please call and write your senators and congressmen. Ask for a moratorium on all roundups, until the NAS can perform their scientific studies! Write to Obama! Hold a protest n your town. Let your voice be heard for the American wild herds. This includes the wild burros, that are also being removed from our public lands.
SILVER KING ROUNDUP: Braveheart suffers mortal injury defending his family
This is so heartbreaking. This stallion was trying to protect his mare and foal from strangers! The insensitivity of the wrangler, tying his horse close to the newly captured and frightened horses, is shocking and unacceptable! This is bordering on ignorance, but more likely, it is the lack of caring, and common sense. This man needs to find a new job, that does not involve working with wild horses! That poor stallion, and now his family too, have been tortured to such an extent, to first endure all the fear of the helicopter chase, and then sudden death of the head of the family, their beloved stallion. BLM is the agency appointed to be the stewards of our mustangs and burros. Is this care? NO, this is sick, and the shame of America! Look at the BLM website gather , and facility reports, and time after time, you will find horses euthanized because of broken necks!!! ROUNDUPS MUST END!
I also learned that they loaded the terrified mare into a long trailer, and then put her dead "Braveheart" sorrel stallion, in the same trailer, literally at her feet, with a tarp over him. How sick is that! The foal was also separated from the mare. The family ripped apart. Death is not an option. We need humane people working with our horses, always!
Video Documentation from.....Suzanne Roy, American WIld Horse Preservation Campaign
I also learned that they loaded the terrified mare into a long trailer, and then put her dead "Braveheart" sorrel stallion, in the same trailer, literally at her feet, with a tarp over him. How sick is that! The foal was also separated from the mare. The family ripped apart. Death is not an option. We need humane people working with our horses, always!
Video Documentation from.....Suzanne Roy, American WIld Horse Preservation Campaign
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Beginning of the end, of Nevada wild horse roundups!
Could this be the long awaited, beginning of the end, for BLM and their contracted Catoor roundups?
54 lawmakers come together and sign a letter to Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior, asking him to halt the wild horse roundups in Nevada, due to the careless way they are chasing them with helicopters in hot weather, causing high numbers of deaths and injuries! They ask for a moratorium and call for the National Academy of Sciences to investigate the situation on the range.
Here is the link to the Channel Four news report and video. My friend, author and wild horse advocate Terri Farley, is briefly interviewed. Advocates are thrilled about this and it looks very good seeing this action by lawmakers!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Owyhee Mares and foals.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tuscarora mustangs, blocked from water by mazes of fencing! New report from horsetalk.
This wild horse image is one of my photographs, and they are Nevada mustangs, but not from the Tuscarora HMA.
All of my images are protected by digital fingerprint copyrights. No use without explicit written permissions from me, please.
So sorry, I have no idea why links are not coming up BLUE!!!!
This is a new blog for me, in the embryonic stage.
Please be patient with me! Trying to figure out why and fix.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Hello!!! Please enjoy this slide show of Calico Horse images. These are all my photos except for the one of me kissing a favorite
filly. That one is by Val Dutter, of Carson City, Nevada. Use requires permissions. Please just enjoy and share it here on my blog.
This video was arranged by fantartsy/ jj, on She loves wild horses also, and asked to help bring awareness to them, by making a nice slider with my images. I like her arrangement and love her choice of music for this too! Thanks
filly. That one is by Val Dutter, of Carson City, Nevada. Use requires permissions. Please just enjoy and share it here on my blog.
This video was arranged by fantartsy/ jj, on She loves wild horses also, and asked to help bring awareness to them, by making a nice slider with my images. I like her arrangement and love her choice of music for this too! Thanks
Leigh verses Salazar..... Laura Leigh and Elyse Gardner seen in front of Federal Court House, after the hearing.
Eylse is a retired court reporter, and back at it on this day. I sat next to her as she recorded testimony with rapid expertise on her lap top. Laura and Elyse make quite a team working for America's mustangs and burros. A force to reckon with I tell you!
Judge Hicks granted Leigh observation, honoring the first amendment rights.
Unfortunately, Judge Hicks did not grant the TRO that Leigh fought for. The roundups are to continue as planned. The judge bought the BLM's story, that these horses will suffer up to a 70 per cent mortality rate within one week, if not removed from the range! BLM stated they delivered water out on the range for the horses, but that they would not drink it, preferring to stay close to their water hole that was drying up.
All we know, is that there were no dead horses until the BLM upset their wild nature, and ran then feverishly in over 90 degree temperatures with a loud and menacing helicopter, terrifying and exhausting them, relentlessly chasing them for miles. Brain swelling and other ailments afflicted these horses after being at the trap site and suffering from water intoxication. Seven died on the first day of operations! I believe the death tool is now at 12.
See the BLM weekly updates site.
Leigh verses Salazar.......
I am dropping the link for an Examiner story by Maureen Harmonay for now. She is such a great writer/reporter.
Since I was in the court room yesterday, I will be back to post my own words on this event and some images too.
Just too tired to deal with it right now!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog! Feel free to ask any questions, and of course to comment.
I am dropping the link for an Examiner story by Maureen Harmonay for now. She is such a great writer/reporter.
Since I was in the court room yesterday, I will be back to post my own words on this event and some images too.
Just too tired to deal with it right now!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog! Feel free to ask any questions, and of course to comment.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
BLM suspends the Tuscarora gather, after 7 mustangs die!!
Soaring high desert temperatures, dehydrate mustangs chased for miles by two helicopters to a trap where seven died. One was euthanized after its leg became fractured in the catch pen. Horses were diagnosed with dehydration, brain swelling and colic!! Advocates predicted injuries, death and health problems, due to the terrain and high temperatures. BLM also broke its own protocal, by beginning this gather ahead of the proper time frame stated in their own books, which is in a specific time frame after foaling season.
Read BLM's link here....
Over $30,000 was put up by Ellie Phipps Price, of Sonoma County, California, along with some help from Madeleine Pickens, to save 172 horses from sales to slaughter on July 10th! The BLM gathered these horses, calling them feral, non mustang, from Pilot Valley, Nevada. The BLM claimed these were not federally protected mustangs, but feral, as they were found in an area where there is a lot of private land owners. The BLM then turned the horses over to the Nevada Department of Agriculture. They put them up for sale at the auction in Fallon, Nevada, where they would be sold to the highest bidder. Kill buyers come hoping to get these horses to sell to slaughter in Mexico or Canada!
Advocates are not convinced that these horses are not indeed mustangs! If even one of them is mustang, the BLM is in federal violation! Click this link to read the full details of this wonderful rescue. Jill Starr, of Lifesavers mustang rescues, got this ball rolling for the horses and 172 of the 174, went to her rescue! Two were privately adopted and the kill buyer left with an empty trailer!!! YES!!! Many thanks to these equine angels, especially Jill and Ellie and also madeleine.
Please read this link and also see some photographs of these horses.
Friday, July 9, 2010
The BLM is restricting observation by the public, including air space! Roads on public lands will be closed around the roundup area, and private lands will also be used for this operation.
I believe later on, the BLM will have a public day for observation. This is not how we can truly observe and document, as it will be a horse and pony show, so to speak! They will be sure to run it all clean and nice for the public. We want to have unannounced observation. Is this not the way it should be?
BLM adoptions of some of the Calico horses, will begin July 14th. And today, a new roundup is set to begin. The Tuscarora roundup, of three HMA's, the Owyhee, Rock Creek and Little Humboldt. Hundreds of horses will be stampeded over sharp volcanic rock for up to twenty miles in Nevada's summer heat. Mares in foal and with foals, some only days old, will have a very hard time. My heart is in fear and worry for them, remembering the horrors of the Calico roundup. Today marks the first day of this new roundup, and the continuing genocide of America's Mustangs. Many hearts are breaking this morning, equines and equine angels.
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